Tuesday, March 10, 2009

what a prince charming should be

Young and ready to fall in love. That would just about explain me right now. Doesnt every teenage girl want to fall in love with her prince charming? Okay, so lets be frank..... no body is perfect so we girls shouldnt be looking for anyone flawless... but I surely am not going to settle for someone that isnt up to par.

I have been thinking about what would make a guy/ man acceptable. First off I believe that you should not date outside your faith. PERIOD. That should eliminate all the fella's that have opposite morals from you.

One thing I personally feel that should not be acceptable, is a guy who swears. I dont mean like occasionally when things are bad or when he stubs his toe, but when ever he talks at all, he swears like there is no tomorrow.

The one exception to this rule. It would probably be if he was a true gentleman, like men were in the 1900's, who used foul language but knew better than to use it around ladies and children. In my book that wold be okay.

Then this guy should know how to treat a woman right. He should be willing to buy things for her on occasion and tell her she looks beautiful. This man should know when to hold his tongue, but be willing to tell the honest truth when it is asked of him.

Good looks are a bonus but not a necessity. He should at least be willing to keep himself groomed or at least smelling good.

good manners are also a MUST. one final thing I would be looking for in a man is selflessness and a willingness to put his woman before him and treat her like a queen.

Am I really asking too much to ask for a man who treats a woman well and truely cares about her? Ladies.......remember... there is no reason to settle for less than what you deserve. Why in the world would we settle for less than decent? There are alot of guys out there, both gentleman and jerks. make sure you dont go for the second.

TIP: You have the power to be a strong and powerful woman who can get what she wants. Make sure at the beginning of every relationship you and the boyfriend-to-be know where each others standards are for dating and morals and that kind of thing.

-Best of luck in this crazy world of men.